Welcome to Security unit

I wish to seize this opportunity to welcome you to the Security Unit of Al-Qalam University Katsina (AUK). We hope that we are going to find each and every one of you a reliable partner in the task of ensuring that the University is free from all kinds of crimes.
The Security Unit is up and doing through allocating responsibilities to its personnel posted to work in three 3 Sections, namely: Intelligence, Administrative and Operation. Those in the Intelligence Section are responsible for gathering information in and out of the University to the Administration Section. The Operational Section analyses and acts on the information. The Administration Section carries out general administrative duties including passing information from high authority to the Security Personnel, posting of personnel to duty locations and addressing disciplinary cases in and out of the University.
I want to assure you of our commitment to work 24/7 to protect the University from any intruders and address Students complaints relating to Security breaches. The Security Unit also work with other Security agencies in quick intervention to address any insecurity in the University community in case of any use of arms. The University is being protected in collaboration with armed security agencies.


To provide excellent institutional Security network by deploying trained, qualified and competent personnel to protect various beats in the University.


The University Security Section is to protect life and properties of the staff, students and visitors within the University community and to prevent staff and students involvement in illicit behaviors.    

Muhammad Sa’idu

 Chief Security Officer,

Al-Qalam University Katsina